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Included all currently available background samples for Lb2Lll analyses

Mick Mulder requested to merge mmulder/Lb2Lll-new-background-tuples into master

This merge request includes all the currently available background samples for the Lb2Lll analyses, mostly partially reconstructed, including SL samples, and also some hadronic modes.

Some jobs did fail in the CI, but there is an explanation:

  • Within AnalysisProductions there are no obvious issues with any subjobs;
  • Some jobs (requiring CALO reprocessing and with 13k+ events in a DST) do take a very long time and then fail, probably for taking too long;
  • Vladimir Romanovskiy did see certain errors but I do not see them within AnalysisProductions myself.
  • I have run one of them locally on 2k events and it proceeded fine and had the expected output.

Would it be okay just to proceed with submission and if any jobs run into errors in production deal with them at that stage?

Edited by Mick Mulder

Merge request reports
