Control samples for Bd2RhoKst analysis
Production details:
This production generates tuples for Collisiion data of B^0 \to D^- \pi^+
for years 11-18 and both polarities.
The data includes a tree for two different final states:
B^0 \to (D^- \to \pi^-\pi^-K^+)\pi^+
B^0 \to (D^- \to K^+K^-\pi^-)\pi^+
This production generates tuples for the MC sample of the following event type, for years 11-18 and both polarities. This is to be used as a Signal MC sample
- 11264001:
B^0 \to (D^- \to \pi^-\pi^-K^+)\pi^+
full DST
These samples are needed as a control mode as part of the ongoing B^0 \to \rho(770)^0 K^*(892)^0
These are entirely new tuples and therefore do not supersede any from previous runs of this Analysis Production. The samples should be identical to those in BdsToKstKstb, except the addition of the missing L0 TIS decision lines, PhotonDecision, ElectronDecision etc...needed fo this analysis
Check for TIS decisions in tuples from pipeline. -
Decide whether to include ft information - Decide to include for flexibility of samples, for example if needed later in the KstKstb analyses
Any other relevant MC? -
Other potentially useful decay modes do not have suitable MC samples for this analysis. (old sim versions/stripping filtered) - 13264061:
B_s^0 \to (D^- \to \pi^+\pi^-K^-)K^+
- 11264011:
B^0 \to (D^- \to K^+\pi^-\pi^-)K^+
- Decide to leave for now
- 13264061:
Edited by Francesca Swystun