Full process (and re-process) of data ONLY Sprucing24c1,2,3,4
Update !1471 (closed) with fixes to code, same tupling as in previous data APs + expand according to WG request.
- Move to use flagging mode on more recent Moore processing ( post TS with UT )
- drop separated MCDT making
- Add MVA lines for b->x ll ( @acampove )
- Add more lines for strange decays ( @tharris )
- Adapt PID tupling of muons to line up with studies by @matzeni
- Adapt PID tupling of electrons to line up with PID calib Done
- Adapt tracking tupling of muons/electrons to line up with @gpietrzy AP. Done
- Extend B2mumu tupling with Same Sign and EMU channels (@masantim , @hvc ) Done
- Extend HLT1 variables to final states for trigger studies (@jagoodin ) Done
- Add B+ -> K*+(Ks pi) LL modes from v0_ll module Done
Pre TS setup in data :
- Sprucing 24c1 with no UT data
Post TS setup in data :
- Sprucing 24c2 with UT
- Sprucing 24c3 with UT
- Sprucing 24c4 with UT
- MC chain code based on !1111 (closed) with specific edits for RD lines. Nothing on 24c4.
Summary of lines tupled here :
Edited by Renato Quagliani