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B+-\>J/ψ(-\>ll)K+ muons and electron tracking efficiencies with Sprucing24c2

This MR targets a measurement of tracking efficiencies studies with early 2024 data corresponding to BK path: /LHCb/Collision24/Beam6800GeV-VeloClosed-{MagDown,MagUp}{-Excl-UT}/Real Data/Sprucing24c2/95100000/ (hence with a with no UT).

The goal is to measure electron and muon tracking efficiencies with B+->J/ψ(->ll)K+ decays using TURCAL output with HLT2 lines: Hlt2TrackEff_Velo2Long_B2JpsiK_ElectronProbe_VELO and Hlt2TrackEff_Velo2Long_B2JpsiK_MuonProbe_VELO

This MR completes !1336 (merged) by adding the following datasets:



Merge request reports
