b2psiK 3body-decays with UT and looseDDPT
This is a branch for running AP of these 3 decays: Xib2JpsiLambdaK, Bp2JpsiKSpi, Bp2JpsipLambdabar,
loose Pt and P cuts of daughters of Downstream Lambda or KS are set in this branch, as well as the End-vertex Z cut of DD Lambda or KS. The new settings are: DD Hadron P > 1500 MeV, DD Hadron Pt > 50 MeV, DD Lambda(KS) End Vertex Z > 100 mm
These new functions are defined in ./Run3_b2psiX_3body_withUT/template.py with keyword 'loose'.
Edited by Fanjie Meng