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Draft: Charm : HyperonTT for 2024 c1/2/3 supersedes !1201

Ziyi Wang requested to merge ziyiw/charm_hyperontt into master

Jobs to test the HyperonTT lines based on 2024 data sets.

The following lines are included.

  • 'Hlt2Charm_LcpToL0PimPipPip_TT_(LLL/DDD)'
  • 'Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToL0KmPip_TT_(LL/DD)'
  • 'Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToXimPimPipPip_(TTL_LLL/TTD_LLL/TTD_DDD)'
  • 'Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToXimPip_(TTL_L/TTD_L/TTD_D)'
  • 'Hlt2Charm_XicpToL0KmPipPip_TT_(LLL/DDD)'
  • 'Hlt2Charm_XicpToXimPipPip_(TTL_LL/TTD_LL/TTD_DD)'

Compared to the previous production, this uses RK extrapolation in the DTF in place of the trackTraj approximation (which is not suitable for T tracks due to the B field), and adds additional blocks of data. (refer to !1774 (merged))

The superseded !1201 (merged) can be deleted once this has been finalised.

cc @isanders

Merge request reports