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Production for the multibody backgrounds relevant for the K/Pi PID Calibration Sample

Marcelo Bovill requested to merge mbovill/dstar_multibody_backgrounds into master

AP for multibody backgrounds relevant to the K/Pi PID calibration mode (D*->DPi,D->Kpi). This will be used to constrain the mass fits and improve the modelling, in order to provide a better calibration to the analysts.

Based on scripts in MRs !1830 and !1586 (merged).

Note that these were ran through a modified version of the K/Pi HLT2 line (HLT2PID_DstToD0Pi_D0ToKPi_line) with the prescale set to 1, such as to maximise statistics.

Edited by Marcelo Bovill

Merge request reports
