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Draft: New AP for prompt D0D0bar D0ToHH study (supersedes !1771)

Ho Sang Lee requested to merge hoslee/PromptDDbar_D02HH into master

New AP for prompt D0 D0bar, D0 to HH decays with additional code for tupling MC and replacing CHILD functors with decay descriptors to produce separate tuples for different D0 to HH decay modes following decay finder crash fix.

Can delete supderseded ntuples after merge request is finalised


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  • Add a label for your WG
  • Mark as "Draft:" until you're happy with the CI results
  • If the merge request supersedes a previous one, add a comment at the end of the header: (supersedes !<MR number>). Please state explicitly in the description if the superseded ntuples can be deleted immediately, or after the new merge request is finalised

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  • Remove the "Draft:" from the title:
  • Assign the merge request to you working group's DPA/RTA liaison

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