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Backgrounds for BToKstG isospin analysis from MC!722

Aniol Lobo Salvia requested to merge B2KstGammaIsospinBKG2b into master

Switched to v0r0p4291742 as baseline because the previous baseline version was being troublesome

AP complementary to !1725 (merged) with the aim of tupling the backgrounds for the KstGamma isospin analysis that are running in the MC request: mc-requests!722
and some additional ones.

Currently included:

EvtType Name Comments
12103511 Bu_KstPi0,Kst=KSpi MC Production mc-requests!722
12165511 Bu_D0rho+,KSpipi MC Production mc-requests!722
12165512 Bu_D0rho-,KSpipipi0 MC Production mc-requests!722
11102441 Bd_Ksteta Only faulty 2018-MagUp that had to be excluded in previous AP
12203410 Bu_K1eta,Kpipi=mK1270 Previously in tape
11202603 Bd_K1gamma,Kpipi0=mK1270 Previously in tape
11204301 Bd_Kspi+pi-gamma=TightCut,mKshhCut,K1cocktail Previously in tape
11164406 Bd_D-rho+,Kpipi=DecProdCut Complementary to Bu_D0rho+_kpipi0


EvtType Name Comments
12103521 Bu_Ksteta,Kst=KSpi MC Production !722 (closed)
12163501 Bu_D0rho+,Kspi MC Production !722 (closed)
Edited by Aniol Lobo Salvia

Merge request reports
