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2012/2016 Tuples for Lb2L1520mue Analysis

Dan Thompson requested to merge dathomps/Lb2L1520mueAna into master

Analysis Production for Lb2L1520mue Analysis. Set-up to extract CL/MC for both signal and normalisation modes including restripping the Monte-Carlo to remove any PID cuts in the stripping.

For each tuple, a separate job exists "..._PreFilter" with trigger and hadronic mass selection pre-filters applied that reduces the tuple size by ~90/60% for CL/NOPID-MC. Both versions of tuples (filtered/unfiltered) are retained and it is intended that the DST parent job for both is only run once for efficient CPU usage.

For this merge request it is intended that only 2012/2016 samples be produced with expansion later after further analysis development.

Description to be further updated

Edited by Dan Thompson

Merge request reports
