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Submit Block1-2 simulation for Jpsi and Psi2S

Oscar Boente Garcia requested to merge simblock1-2_smog2_JpsiD0Psi2s into master

This MR produces tuples from the new Block 1-2 simulation sample with HLT2 reconstruction. Thus, it runs both Sprucing and DaVinci steps. Follows similar tupling strategy as in !1691 (merged), with some improvements/fixes:

  • Additions in MCDecayTree:
    • Reconstructed PV information, add reco pvs associated to the reconstructed particles (for PV efficiency)
    • Sprucing decisions
    • Fix index problem in the next tuples, now both mup and mum use same TRACK_INDEX (while they are two different track objects). Fix also some indx for the "matched" jpsi/psi2s candidate.
  • Add HLT2 and sprucing decisions for TurCal stream lines
  • PVNtracks info
  • Build Jpsi,Psi2s from persist reco and not from Spruce line information, to be able to calculate pid, trigger, etc.. efficiencies

cc. @qiuchan @kmattiol

Edited by Oscar Boente Garcia

Merge request reports
