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B2OC: Lb2LcPi Run 3 analysis

Maciej Artur Giza requested to merge mgiza-2024-MC into master
  • loop on the following MC data sets for Lb2LcPi (with backgrounds):
{%- set datasets = [
 ('15364010', 'MagUp'), # Lb2LcPi
 ('11264001', 'MagUp'), # Bd2DPi
 ('13264021', 'MagUp'), # Bs2DsPi
 ('15364011', 'MagUp'),  # Lb2LcK
  • this production will not be used to estimate hlt1 efficiencies
  • none of the previous MC productions can be replaced
Edited by Maciej Artur Giza

Merge request reports
