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BSM dark boson T tracks data validation

Izaac Sanderswood requested to merge isanders-QEE_HtoMuMuTT into master

This is a production using a small sample of the data to validate the trigger lines in 2024 c3 and c4.

Considering only the following run ranges in c3 and c4 respectively:

  • 304800:304902
  • 308245:308335

Tuples the output of the inclusive dimuon T tracks spruce line (full/spruce) and the exclusive B->K(*)H(->mumu) lines (turbo).

Due to a stray cc in the trigger line decay descriptors, there are duplicate candidates, so the tupling filters the input particles as follows, which should remove the duplicates.

    filter_code = {
        "SpruceQEE_HtoMuMu_TT" : F.CHILD(1,F.CHARGE) > 0, 
        "Hlt2QEE_BtoKH_MuMu_exclTT":  F.CHILD(1,F.CHARGE) == F.CHILD(2,F.CHILD(1,F.CHARGE)), ## require that the charge of the mu+ is the same as the K+
        "Hlt2QEE_BtoKstar0H_MuMu_exclTT": F.CHILD(1,F.CHILD(1,F.CHARGE)) == F.CHILD(2,F.CHILD(1,F.CHARGE)), 

    all_data = get_particles(evtpath_prefix + f"{line_name}/Particles")

    input_data = ParticleFilter(all_data,F.FILTER(filter_code[line_name])  )

We are only looking at a small sample here due to consideration of future analysis blinding.



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Edited by Izaac Sanderswood

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