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B0_Dstp_l Run 3 MC and Data

Ching-Hua Li requested to merge chinghua/SL_l_nu_D0toKpi_Run3_MC_1125 into master


signal channel :

B\to D^*(\to K \pi) e \nu

B\to D^*(\to K \pi) \tau(\to e) \nu and

background channel :

B\to D^{**} e \nu

B\to D^{**} \tau(\to e) \nu

Using block 1,2,5,6,7,8 data and 2024.W31.34 simulation sample

This production use the same DaVinci script as !1679 (merged), but remove the mcTruch matching of D^{**} decay and include more bremsstrahlung variables.

@anmorris @dovombru @tfulghes @drlea

Edited by Ching-Hua Li

Merge request reports
