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D0 -> h h mu-tagged 24c4 MagUp

Federico Betti requested to merge fbetti-check-d0_to_hh_muTagged into master

Process mu-tagged and doubly tagged d0_to_hh data from Sprucing24c4 MagUp. MagDown and Sprucing24c1,3 will be added once a first check has been performed on this sample.

Code is heavily based on !1929 (merged)

For the moment I do not process the MC, so the part concerning MC decay descriptors is wrong, I will fix it in the next iteration.

Few variables that could still be pruned in the next iterations would be:

  • DTF kinematic variables for most particles, which are barely affected by refitting (e.g. hh and spi)
  • removing HLT1 TIS lines with low rate, and HLT2 TOS/event information (e.g. currently HLT2 lines for different final states are mutually exclusive due to PID requirements)
  • reducing the number of displament variables for D*, and the number of variables saving ALLPV info

Probably HLT1/HLT2 modifications won't affect much the event size thanks to data compression.

Edited by Federico Betti

Merge request reports
