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First version of Lb2Lll tuple production with AP, including restripping

Mick Mulder requested to merge mmulder_Lb2Lll into master

This is the first version of the Lb2Lll tuple production in AnalysisProductions, including restripping. The pipeline is not fully finished yet; this is caused by jobs with too large DSTs and long processing times. Either retrying or using a soon to be included feature of AP to run over fewer events should make the pipeline succeed. I checked that we are running the minimum stripping required for the modes that we have.

Checklist of included features:

  • Include restripping to most recent data versions
  • Include script for calo rerunning for Run 1 strippings
  • Include stripping line scripts for 2011-2018 without PID and with only \Lambda^0, K_S^0, K^+ hadrons
  • Validate restripping (RelatedInfo warnings)
  • Include AtVtx_P momenta as suggested by Luismi (validated, significant improvement!)
  • Include ETA, PHI for all particles, not just FSP
  • Include B->mm 2017 isolation BDTs from RelatedInfo's
  • Update DTF settings considering Vanya's suggestions:
    • Explicitly provide TrackStateProvider
    • Manual invoking of TSP at 5-10 points within +- 50cm of V0 vtx -> To be done later
  • Add DTF daughter momenta
Edited by Mick Mulder

Merge request reports
