New data production for B2munuee (supersedes !306)
New data production for the years 2016-2018
Changes to MR306:
- DiElectronMaker is run to avoid double counting of Brem photons
- Added selection from B23MuNu_FakeMuee stripping line for muon misID background
- Added selection from B23MuNu_FakeMuMue stripping line for electron misID background
- Added selection of same-sign electrons
- Added selection of events with additional photons (e.g. from pi0 -> e e gamma decays)
- Added additional tree, where electrons are not combined into a di-electron object to gain information on vertex quality, DOCA,...
- Added a few missing branches
When ready:
- Remove the "WIP:" from the title:
- Assign the merge request to you working group's DPA/RTA liaison