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Producing NTuples from the new MC samples needed for the Xic0 and Omc0 lifetime measurement

Lars Eklund requested to merge eklund/Omc0Xic0_LT_Hadronic into master

This is a production of additional NTuples needed for the measurement of the Xic0 and Omc0 baryon lifetimes, using hadronic b-decays (Xib- -> Xic0 pi- and Omb- -> Omc0 pi-).

This will make NTuples from the recently produced MC samples, the motivation is that we were asked during the WG review to use MC samples for all years of data taking. The AP is identical to the previous one, where the only change is adding new bkk paths in info.yaml for the new MC samples and commenting out the old ones. The only other difference is to change the stripping output location for the 2015 Bu -> D0 pi- MC sample (normalisation channel), since the MC samples for the other years were made in a filtered production and hence have a different location.

The CI tests for all jobs completed successfully.

Merge request reports
