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Updated tuples for Signal and Background MC for Bd2RhoKst analysis (supersedes !379)

Francesca Swystun requested to merge fswystun_BdRhoKst into master


This production is to generate tuples for MC samples for a B^0 \to \rho(770)^0 K^*(892)^0 analysis. MC samples for the signal and background modes are included for years 11-18 with both polarities.

  • 11104041: B^0 \to \rho(770)^0 K^*(892)^0
  • 13104001: B_{s}^0 \to K^*(892)^0 \overline{K}^*(892)^0
  • 11104002: B^0 \to K^*(892)^0 \overline{K}^*(892)^0

This production fully supersedes that of MR !379 (merged) (this production corrects the DaVinci version used in the re-stripping of the initial Signal and background MC)

Obsolete productions

Superseded production has production IDs which are now obsolete as listed below. These have been archived using the Analysis Productions web interface and may be deleted once this merge request is finalised.

106273, 106272, 106271, 106270, 106269, 106268, 106267, 106266, 106265, 106264, 106263, 106262, 106261, 106260, 106259, 106258, 106257, 106256, 106255, 106254, 106253, 106252, 106251, 106250

Edited by Francesca Swystun

Merge request reports