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CharmProdAsym-EarlyRun3 - D2hhh

Serena Maccolini requested to merge smaccoli/CharmProdAsym into master

Analysis production for the measurement of Charm production asymmetries using early Run3 data. In the previous production (v0r0p5335888) there was a bug for the Hlt2 lines of D->hhh decays, that haven't been reconstructed. In this new production, decays and Hlt2 lines considered are:

  • D2Kpipi "Hlt2Charm_DpDspToKmPipPip"
  • D2Kpipi_NoCuts "Hlt2Charm_DpDspToKmPipPip_NoCuts"
  • Ds2KKpi "Hlt2Charm_DpDspToKmKpPip"
  • Ds2KKpi_NoCuts "Hlt2Charm_DpDspToKmKpPip_NoCuts"
Edited by Serena Maccolini

Merge request reports
