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Samples for radiative inclusive trigger lines MVA training

Aniol Lobo Salvia requested to merge alobo_radincl into master

Different MC samples (MinBias and various types of signal) filtered at preselection level by the radiative inclusive lines (list below).
Purpose: getting enough statistics to train the BDT that will filter events online for the rad inclusive lines.
HLT1 (hlt1_pp_default) + HLT2 rad_incl lines


- Hlt2RD_BToHHGamma_Incl
- Hlt2RD_BToHHHGamma_Incl
- Hlt2RD_BToHHGamma_GammaToEE_Incl
- Hlt2RD_BToHHHGamma_GammaToEE_Incl

Merge request reports
