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Draft: Re-running over the FULL STREAM data of 2022 to reconstruct BuToKJpsiToMuMu and BdToKstJpsiToMuMu decays using inclusive detached dilepton lines (IDDL). The sprucing selections have been loosened and ISMUON removed to be better align to the IDDL

The ISMUON selection was not applied in IDDL at time of the data taking (Moore used should correspond to v54r3) as can be seen in here. We want to take a look at the BuToKJpsiToMuMu and BdToKstJpsiToMuMu candidates reconstructed with Sprucing selections as aligned as possible to the ones used in the IDDL (specifically without the ISMUON requirement). It does not supersede !545 (merged) as the topological lines where also considered there.

Merge request reports
