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Alessandra Pastore requested to merge apastore/B02DstarPiPiPi into master

This is the 3rd time AP has been run for this analysis. The version 0 of the code was imported from CharmWGProd tool. There, we reconstructed B0(s)->DstarK0sPi in Run I and Run II data. In AP, the analysis version 1 reconstructed MC data samples that were specifically required for this study. The version 2 has produced MCtruth tuples for signal. This version 3, under a new branch, is aimed to reconstruct the new MC production of the main background channel of the analysis, B0->D*(2010) PiPiPi. That's why this request does not supersede previous ones.


When ready:

  • Remove the "Draft:" from the title:
  • Assign the merge request to you working group's DPA/RTA liaison

To find your working group's DPA/RTA liaison, see this page:

Merge request reports
