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Bds2KstKstb: Add remaining MC tuples for control/calibration channels

Matthew David Monk requested to merge mmonk_bds2kstkstb_moreB2Dpi into master

This production is essentially the same as the previous (v0r0p5230898) but including some more years that were part of a MC request made after the previous production. The tuples are to be used both as control channels for an absolute branching fraction measurement and also as flavour tagging calibration for Bds2KstKst. This includes:

  • MC tuples for event type 11264001, B0 -> (D- -> pi- pi- K+) pi+ for years 2011, 2012 and 2015
  • MC tuples for event type 11264031, B0 -> (D- -> K+ K- pi-) pi+ for years 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018
  • MC tuples for event type 13264021, Bs -> (Ds- -> K+ K- pi-) pi+ for years 2015 and 2016

This request does not supercede any previous requests.

Merge request reports
