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privilege daughter photon over Brem (supersedes !560)

Michael Kent Wilkinson requested to merge mwilkins-AprimeToEE-noBrem into master

Create dielectrons with and without Brem corrections. In the case of Brem overlap with the \pi^0/\eta daughter photon, use the dielectron without Brem. There are a number of subtleties here:

  • Candidates with and without Brem are aligned by comparing the protoparticles of the \pi^0/\eta candidate's daughter photon, electron, and positron. Not all candidates will be matched because the \pi^0/\eta candidate may pass our selections only if Brem is (not) added.
  • The default choice is to use the \pi^0/\eta with Brem. It is rejected if it has more than one Brem photon added to either electron or if a Brem photon shares a caloHypo with the daughter photon.
  • If a Brem shares a caloHypo with the daughter photon, the corresponding \pi^0/\eta without Brem is used if it exists.
  • If a \pi^0/\eta candidate without Brem has no match with Brem, it is also used.

Some additional branches have been added to the ntuple to elucidate this process:

  • tag_withBrem indicates whether the particle came from the container that had Brem corrections. It is -1 for tag particles that are not \pi^0/\eta.
  • tag_BremMatched indicates whether the particle had a match in the other container. It is -1 for tag particles that are not \pi^0/\eta.

NB: This means that some of our previous ntuple-level selections are obsolete. The photonBremOverlap should now always be False for \pi^0/\eta candidates, and the number of Brem added to any electron should always be \leq 1.

There are a few additional changes to the ntuple:

  • The nBremAdded_e0 and nBremAdded_e1 branches have been replaced with nBremAdded_em and nBremAdded_ep, associating the number of Brem corrections to a specific electron/positron. Note that they will be -1 for \pi^0/\eta where Brem was not added. They are also now int instead of float.
  • The photonBremOverlap branch now defaults to -1 for cases where it is not defined. It is also now an int instead of a float.
  • The DTF versions of the material branches have been dropped. This was causing a bug where the VELO tool would get caught in an infinite loop, possibly because the daughter momenta had not been DTF-corrected. It is not obvious why this problem did not occur previously.

Also, resolve memory leak. (I think it was caused by ROOT-typing checks.)


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  • Add a label for your WG
  • Mark as "Draft:" until you're happy with the CI results
  • If the merge request supersedes a previous one, add a comment at the end of the header: (supersedes !<MR number>). Please state explicitly in the description if the superseded ntuples can be deleted immediately, or after the new merge request is finalised

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Edited by Michael Kent Wilkinson

Merge request reports
