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Lb2L1520mue APV3p1 (fix to collision data in APV3)

Dan Thompson requested to merge dathomps/Lb2L1520mue-APV3FIX into master

In previous production !620 (merged), a mistake with the collision data jobs went unnoticed.

Essentially the "classic" stripping prefilter is applied but during the previous iteration the collision jobs were combined and altering the stripping prefilter accordingly was overlooked, meaning all data kept had to pass a single stripping line which is wrong.

A quick edit to fixes this as follows:

if len(DaVinci().EventPreFilters)!=0:
    #edit the live version!
    prevFilter = DaVinci().EventPreFilters[0].getProperties()["Code"]
    fltrs = LoKi_Filters (STRIP_Code = f"({prevFilter}|HLT_PASS_RE('Stripping{strip}Decision'))") 
    fltrs = LoKi_Filters (STRIP_Code = "HLT_PASS_RE('Stripping"+strip+"Decision')")
    #overwrite the previous one or set a new one!
DaVinci().EventPreFilters = fltrs.filters('Filters')

This time I have verified that all trees in the CL tuples are the expected sizes and the extrapolated total tuple size for the jobs is a lot higher now, similar to those for APV2.

I will mark the APV3 (v0r0p6132706) CL tuples for deletion immediately.

Merge request reports
