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[QEE] EW Tupling Job Hlt1->Hlt2->Spruce->Tuple on exp.23 MC

Luke Grazette requested to merge lugrazet-ewAP-exp23MC into master

(Part of the Run3 ew-analyses framework development: see Wiki ).

Processes exp.23 conditions MC for 5 event types through Hlt1->Hlt2->Spruce(Pass or Excl.)->DaVinci.
Intended For Coll23 Data comparisons. The trigger jobs are as close as reasonably possible. Expected to be superseded by 'Actual23' Conditions MC at some point.

Built on-top of AP!699 to share similarities in the DV job.

lhcb-simulation/mc-requests#182 (closed) = Beam6800GeV-expected-2023-VeloClosed23.5mm-{{polarity}}-Nu1.4-25ns-Pythia8 = exp.23 conditions.


Event Types

Zg->mumu and W->mu nu are the signal modes, the qonia->mumu are calibration and W->tau nu is a bkg mode.

  • Z/Gamma*->mu mu (1 lepton with pT>4GeV, invariant mass cut 40GeV): 42112001 : 100k : Full_Stream
  • Jpsi(1S)->mu mu (radiative mode included, daughters in acceptance): 24142001 : 4M : Turbo
  • Upsilon(1S)->mu mu (radiative mode included, daughters in acceptance): 18112001 : 2M : Turbo
  • W->mu nu_mu (lepton_pt > 10GeV cut): 42311003 : 2M : Full_Stream
  • W->tau nu_tau->mu (mu_pt > 10GeV cut): 42300001 : 300k : Full_Stream


Attempts to build the following decaytress dependent on stream.

TurboPass = { # Name : Input Line
    "Jpsi_Detached": "Hlt2QEE_JpsiToMuMu_Detached",
    "Jpsi_Prompt": "Hlt2QEE_JpsiToMuMu_Prompt",
    "U1S": "Hlt2QEE_Upsilon1SToMuMu"
Full_stream = {
    "Z": "SpruceQEE_ZToMuMu",
    "ZMuID": "SpruceQEE_ZToMuMu_SingleNoMuID",
    "Wp": "SpruceQEE_SingleHighPtMuon",
    "Wm": "SpruceQEE_SingleHighPtMuon",
    "ZSS": "SpruceQEE_DiMuonSameSign"


  • Hlt1 -> Hlt2 -> Spruce(TurboPass + Excl.Spruce) -> DaVinci (TurboPass + Excl. Spruce)
  • Add new tuple information.
    • Hlt2TisTos (for Full-stream only)
    • Trchi2ndof accessed via F.CHI2DOF
    • HcalET (=HcalE / cosh(eta)). Accessed via F.HCALEOP and then in process_tuples_upgrade transformed into HcalET.
    • PIDMU accessed via F.PID_MU
    • ZVeto requires more information out of sprucing. Spoke with Ross, want to get full persistreco out of our EW Sprucing lines to prevent situations like this in the future.
    • EcalE requires new functors. Could be done but currently unneeded. so skipping.
  • Add SpruceQEE_DiMuonSameSign DecayTree in Full-stream tuples
  • Review

Supersedes Nothing. All new Files.

Edited by Luke Grazette

Merge request reports