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Bds2KstKstb Analysis -- misID background for control channel

Matthew David Monk requested to merge mmonk_bds2kstkstb_dsk into master

This is the 12th production for the Run 1/2 Bds2KstKstb analysis. This production will add some MC tuples for the decay Bs -> Ds- K+ (event type 13264031) which is a mis-identified background to our Bs -> Ds- pi+ control channel. This is only for the years 2016, 2017, 2018 as there is, currently, only suitable MC available in the bookkeeping for those years (after a MC request we will add another production for the rest of the years 2011/2012/2015).

These tuples are new for this analysis so it does not supersede any previous tuples.

Merge request reports
