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Creating tuples for Upgrade MC for Dstar->D0pi+,D0->K-pi+

Marcelo Bovill requested to merge mbovill/pidcalib_DstpToD0Pip_D0ToKmPip into master

Create ntuples for Upgrade MC for Dstar->D0pi+,D0->K-pi+.

These have not been generated before. I made some changes to some options files written for Dev MC (pvidrier/PIDmc_r3) to reflect the different run conditions in 2024 compared to 2023, with the UT (ie removed skipUT=True) and the VELO closed. The Upgrade MC is also older than Dev MC, and so I also had to make a couple of changes to reflect this, such as changing the Muon detector geometry version.

Edited by Marcelo Bovill

Merge request reports
