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Draft: Produce tuples for a few more MC samples

Maurizio Martinelli requested to merge mamartin/bs2kmunu into master

A tuple production for various MC samples needed by the Bs->Kµnu Run2 analysis. The samples are all from Run2 and correspond to the following decay modes:

Evt Type Decay
13144011 𝐵0𝑠→𝐽/𝜓(→𝜇+𝜇−)𝜙(→𝐾+𝐾−)
11512011 𝐵0→𝜋𝜇𝜈
11512400 𝐵0→𝜌+(→𝜋+𝜋0)𝜇−𝜈
12513001 𝐵0→𝜌𝜇−𝜈
12873002 𝐵0→𝐷0𝜇𝜈

Merge request reports
