D02HHHH K3pi MC 2015 MU only
Production for D0->K3pi MC 2015 MagUp only
Previously produced 2015-18 nTuples. Bug found in 2015 MagUp production so would like to reproduce without bug.
Bug was within info.yaml where we had forgotten to replace the polarity term in the book-keeping query ("bk_query") with the loop over the polarity variables (so both 'MagUp' and 'MagDown' jobs were using the MagDown files in book-keeping). Could have been spotted earlier if a flag was raised when the same file in book-keeping is accessed more than once in the whole job.
Event types:
- 27165070 (RS D0->K3pi, phase-space)
- 27165071 (RS D0->K3pi, ampgen)
- 27165072 (WS D0->K3pi, ampgen)
For 2015, the generated & reconstructed TTrees are in different jobs due to an issue we encountered in trying to combine them into one. All other years (2016+) have these combined.
Edited by Jennifer Clare Smallwood