Fix PVZ for pGas+pp: Gaussian distribution(pp) + flat distribution(pGas)
@samarian noticed that the MC for 2023 pAr+pp alaSMOG has a problem in PVZ distribution. From data tomography, it is clear that the PVZ for BeamGas+BeamBeam alaSMOG should be a Gaussian distribution for pp and a flat Z diftribution for pGas :
MC BKK path: /MC/Dev/ppAr-Beam6800GeV-expected-2023-VeloClosed10mm-MagDown-andSMOG1-Nu1.4andNu0.37-Pythia8andEPOS/Sim10b/Digi16/30000000/DIGI
I would suggest to remove Generation
from the algName in this line. This will call BeamSpotSmearVertex
function to smear the pp interaction point with Gaussian distribution.
Generation.BeamSpotSm... INFO Smearing of interaction point with Gaussian distribution
Otherwise, Generation
will call FlatZSmearVertex
to flat all PVZ range.