add beam condition for MU/MD 2022 and 2023 based on 103rd LHCb week slides info
Off of the information provided by @falessio at 103 LHCb week, begin preparation of beam conditions for 2023 running.
to be checked explicitly
given instantaneous luminosity of 2\times10^{-33} cm^{-2} s^{-1}
, this still corresponds to nu=7.6? Depends on n colliding bunches which was assumed to be 2400, but is listed as 2376 -
VCrossingAngle = -0.200*SystemOfUnits.mrad is taken as fixed This is still OK? -
emmittance changes between 1.8 micron and 2.5 micron. Is taking the mean here ok? -
what changes (if any) are needed per magnet polarity
Edited by Adam Davis