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Add beam profile for 2022 pAr commissioning

Qiuchan Lu requested to merge 2022-pAr into v3-patches

For 2022 pAr commissioning data taking, we have checked:

  1. Fills of pp MD(8489,8491) and pAr(8484) are recorded very close.
  2. The detector conditions of pAr are the same as pp.
  3. The PV{x,y} of pAr are similar to pp.

Thus, configurations for 2022 pAr could be:

  1. running both pp and pAr beamfile for Argon injection.
  2. specify and for two different conditions.
  3. could use the same SIMCOND tag for both 2022 pp and pAr.

Slides: Talk: A follow up after discussion:

Merge request reports