Draft: Some updates of decfiles for powheg generation
Remove the two processes that are not supported by Powheg now,
- incl_b,powheg.dec
- incl_c,powheg.dec
Modify the 10 decay files that use Powheg as generator to new format,
- Higgs_ZZ_eeee.dec
- Higgs_ZZ_mumuee.dec
- Higgs_ZZ_mumumumu.dec
- Wbb_lnul,bb=1l,5Gev,2b,powheg.dec
- ZZ_eeee.dec
- ZZ_mumuee.dec
- ZZ_mumumumu.dec
- Z_ee_PowHeg40GeV.dec
- Z_mumu_PowHeg40GeV.dec
- tt_bb=1l,10GeV,2b,powheg.dec
Modify the "Extra import" option files of the above processes accordingly,
- ggH_ZZ_powheg.py
- ZZeeee_powheg.py
- ZZmumuee_powheg.py
- ZZmumumumu_powheg.py
- Zee_powheg.py
- Zmumu_powheg.py
Edited by Wenjie Shi