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Racha Cheaib requested to merge feature/LbtoLcDs_decfiles into master

This MR includes the additional background modes for R(Lc):

  • Lb -> LcDsX decay file with Ds decaying in at least three pions.
  • Lb -> Lc(2593)DsX decay file with Ds decaying in at least three pions
  • Lb -> Lc(2625)DsX decay file with Ds decaying in at least three pions _ Lb -> Sigma_c++ DsX decay file with Ds decaying in at least three pions _ Lb -> Sigma_c0 DsX decay file with Ds decaying in at least three pions

For each of the modes above, the non-resonant Lb->Lc(2593,2625,...) 3pi X mode is also included. For each of the modes above, the Lb -> Lc(2593,2625,...)tau , tau to 3pi is included.

We have used the updated decay description of the Ds to 3 pions.

Edited by Racha Cheaib

Merge request reports
