New dec-files for semileptonic background for Drell-Yan
The merge request contains 4 new dec-files for the production charm and beauty background in low-mass drell-Yan dimuon measurements in collider and fixed-target mode due to the domination by K0L decays for the available dec-files :
- incl_c=DiMuon,OppositeSign,pt1GeV,MassCut.dec event type: 20072003
- incl_c=DiMuon,p3GeV,K0LVeto.dec, event type: 20072004
- incl_c=DiMuon,pt1GeV,K0LVeto.dec, event type: 20072005
- incl_b=DiMuon,pt1GeV,K0LVeto.dec, event type: 10012003
event type 20072003 uses only single and dimuon level cuts such that the output is already no longer dominated by K0L. The cuts match the trigger cuts of loosest 2024 data trigger. event type 20072004 is for studies in fixed-target mode and for future studies in collider mode with the loosest sensible selection, but vetoing the K0L decays to muons. event type 20072005 as 20072005, but with additional cuts adapted for 2024 collider data. event type 10012003 matches 20072005 for beauty instead of charm.