StarLight gammagamma to dimuon with tighter cuts
New decfile based on dkfiles/exclu_gammagamma,mm=coherent_starlight.dec
, EventType: 30112000
, with cut on the pT of the muons. For the on-going photo-produced dimuon measurement in the IFT WG, this would increase the number of final selected MC events by at least a factor 10.
Note: for the CI tests, I reduced the number of invariant mass bins and rapidity bins used to compute the cross-section by StarLight. This will need to be removed before merging, but this way there's number timeout for the automatic tests of the DecFiles.
Local tests on 10k generator-only events:
- The left plot shows the invariant mass of one the muon (the other one is identical). We see that setting the maximum pT to 100 GeV in the StarLight generation is absolutely not constraining here (I tried -1 but it does not work).
- The right is the invariant mass of the dimuon.
@ffabiano FYI
Edited by Camille Normand