16 dec files added to cover Lambda_b decays to Lc*taunu,(Sigmapi_c pi)taunu and…
16 dec files added to cover Lambda_b decays to Lc*taunu,(Sigmapi_c pi)taunu and related background process Lb_Lc2593Ds,Ds2hhhNneutrals=DecProdCut,TightCut.dec:# EventType: 15298601 Lb_Lc2593pipipi,Lcpipi,pKpi=cocktail,DecProdCut.dec:# EventType: 15466011 Lb_Lc2593taunu,pKpi=cocktail,tau3pi,DecProdCut,tauolababar.dec:# EventType: 15865011 Lb_Lc2593taunu,pKpi=cocktail,tau3pipi0,DecProdCut,tauolababar.dec:# EventType: 15865016 Lb_Lc2625Ds,Ds2hhhNneutrals=DecProdCut,TightCut.dec:# EventType: 15298600 Lb_Lc2625pipipi,Lcpipi,pKpi=cocktail,DecProdCut.dec:# EventType: 15466010 Lb_Lc2625taunu,pKpi=cocktail,tau3pi,DecProdCut,tauolababar.dec:# EventType: 15865010 Lb_Lc2625taunu,pKpi=cocktail,tau3pipi0,DecProdCut,tauolababar.dec:# EventType: 15865015 Lb_Sig2455pi-pipipi,Lcpipi,pKpi=cocktail,DecProdCut.dec:# EventType: 15466012 Lb_Sig2455pi-taunu,3pipi0,Lcpipi,pKpi=cocktail,DecProdCut.dec:# EventType: 15865017 Lb_Sig2455pi-taunu,Lcpipi,pKpi=cocktail,DecProdCut.dec:# EventType: 15865012 Lb_Sig2455starpi-pipipi,Lcpipi,pKpi=cocktail,DecProdCut.dec:# EventType: 15466013 Lb_Sig2455starpi-taunu,3pipi0,Lcpipi,pKpi=cocktail,DecProdCut.dec:# EventType: 15865018 Lb_Sig2455starpi-taunu,Lcpipi,pKpi=cocktail,DecProdCut.dec:# EventType: 15865013 Lb_Sigmac2455Ds,Ds2hhhNneutrals=DecProdCut,TightCut.dec:# EventType: 15298602 Lb_Sigmac2455starDs,Ds2hhhNneutrals=DecProdCut,TightCut.dec:# EventType: 15298603
Merge request reports
Dear Guy.
I did run the test we would normally do in nightlies and have following comments:
- For event type 15298601, please increase CPUTime, I was able to generate 4 events in time corresponding to currently set CPUTime. Increase by a factor of 3 would be appropriate.
- For event types 15865013, 15865018, 15865012 and 15865017 you did not run the test by yourself. Please see documentation on the main page of the package in gitlab how to do so. If you would run the test by yourself, you would realise that you are asking EvtGen to do something which it cannot do. The model Lb2Baryonlnu can do only 3-body decays, while you are asking it do to 4-body decays.
added 18 commits
139e69b3...a40b86a0 - 15 commits from branch
- 26362ef4 - 16 new dec files for LB to Lctau nu,LCDs and LC*3pi
- 634fcb30 - releases.notes updated to include 16 new Dec files related to Lb->Lc*3piX
- 9bfa16e4 - merge done
Toggle commit list-
139e69b3...a40b86a0 - 15 commits from branch
mentioned in commit 17d42c5f