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Ds spectrum obtained from data and corrected by efficiency exploiting Run1 pythia distribution

Serena Maccolini requested to merge smaccoli/my-changes into master

MomentumSpectrum_431.root is obtained from prompt Ds+ -> KS0 K+ decays collected by LHCb in Run2. The selection is defined by the Turbo line Hlt2CharmHadDp2KS0Kp KS0LLTurbo, with further requirementsDplus_IP_OWNPV < 0.06 mm and Dplus_L0Global_TIS == 1. Background subtaction is applyied to the momentum spectrum of the Ds+. Reconstruction efficiency is estimated as a function of (pT,eta) from a complete pGun production chain (EvtType 23103111 with loosened generation cuts) using as input the D* Run1 Pythia distribution. The spectrum is then corrected by the reconstruction efficiency.

The validity of this spectrum has been tested a-posteriori comparing LHCb data with the simulated ones obtaned by using the spectrum as input for the pGun chain.

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