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Migrate repo lhcb-core/lhcb-benchmark-scripts to PRConfig

Christoph Hasse requested to merge migrate_lhcb_benchmark_scripts into master

This moves the entire repo of lhcb-core/lhcb-benchmark-scripts (as of lhcb-core/lhcb-benchmark-scripts@ac35672f) into PRConfig.
If I didn't screw up, all files should keep their old history.

  • python files have been moved into python/MooreTests
  • scripts into a subfolder benchmark-scripts in ./scripts

This MR includes some slight modifications but to make review easier these are all in a separate commit.
As you can see it's almost entirely related to changing hardcoded paths variables.

Once this MR has been merged we can then slowly move the nightly tests to use this repo instead of the old one.
Main benefit apart from getting rid of one repo is that we will in the future more easily be able to test changes to these benchmarking scripts in the nightlies.

The old repo will be archived.

cc @maszyman @rmatev

Edited by Rosen Matev

Merge request reports
