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Use packed calo raw banks with old MC sample

Carla Marin Benito requested to merge cmb_fixDCB2Kstee into master

The latest logs of this test (see /eos/lhcb/storage/lhcbpr/logs/Moore/DC_Sim10aU1_B2Kstee_fastest_250k/lhcb-head.3628_2023-07-01_02:47:44_+0200/run.log ) contain errors indicating the calo raw banks are not being read out:

FutureEcalZSup                        ERROR Suppressing message: 'No bank found'
FutureHcalZSup                        ERROR Suppressing message: 'No bank found'

This is caused by the input MC file being old and Moore now using the new Calo raw data format by default. These changes force the old banks to be used.

FYI @msaur Please check that this fixed the problem

Merge request reports
