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[RTADPA BW Tests] Introducing an Hlt1-bandwidth test via Moore_in_Allen

Luke Grazette requested to merge lugrazet-BW-initialhlt1test into master

Adds a new BW test: for Nominal Hlt1 via Moore_in_Allen.

Makes several changes to make the scripts less 'X if Hlt2 else Y'.

Changes the main-page, so that the links at the bottom are dependent upon process. (This removes the dead-link on sprucing page, and prevents confusion on the new hlt1 page)

cc: @rjhunter

Goes with: lhcb/Moore!2528 (merged), lhcb-core/LHCbNightlyConf!1094 (merged) and lhcb-core/LHCbPR2HD!263 (merged)


  • Insert process-dependence on N_EVTS for now. see: #12 (closed)
  • CI-test
  • BW chat for review (@shunan)
  • Post-Merge
    • Allen label
    • Dmitry Popov "magic step" to register new test in LHCbPR
Edited by Luke Grazette

Merge request reports
