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[RTA/DPA BW tests]: Allow the bandwidth tests run on real data as well as simulation

Ross John Hunter requested to merge rjhunter-bw-tests-run-on-data-and-sim into master

Goes with Moore!3644, lhcb-core/LHCbPR2HD!300 (merged) and lhcb-core/LHCbNightlyConf!1254 (merged)

To allow the bandwidth tests to run on data as well as simulation, we essentially have to:

  • Allow for accessing DD4HEP-like conditions or DetDesc-like,
  • Pick up the simulation flag from the input config file,
  • Allow for slightly different file structure (make sure this still works the same for simulation) when looping over/getting to the end of a file (see changes to
Edited by Ross John Hunter

Merge request reports
