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Mengzhen Wang requested to merge mwang-PrCheckerEfficiencyPlots_HLT2 into master

Dear experts,

We would like to submit a new option file named, which is used to obtain the kinematic distribution of reconstructed and reconstructible tracks. This script is based on the PrCheckerEfficiencyPlots script, with some new features:

  1. Besides Velo, Upstream tracks reconstructed using PrChecker2Fast, we also included Forward, TTrack, Match, Down, Best, BestLong, BestDownstream tracks using the PrChecker2 algorithm to study the HLT2 tracking performance. To know the containers used for obtaining these tracks, one could refer to PrChecker2 and Definition of LHCbTrackLocation in doxygen.

  2. The category (selections) of the input tracks is enriched using the enrich_selections function. Some labells are added to clarify whether the orignating vertex of the track is a decay, a gamma->ee pair production or a hadronic interaction.

  3. Add two lines to allow the usage of LDST file.

from Configurables import RecombineRawEvent
RecombineRawEvent().Version = 4.2

One should be able to run the script when another merge request is merged. To run the script, one could first get the nightly Brunel_HEAD, and then


It has been tested locally. The log file and output root file can be found in the attachment.

The "WIP" should be removed after the merge request for TestFileDB is merged.

Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions. Thanks!

Edited by Mengzhen Wang

Merge request reports
