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add input file for PrChecker test

Maciej Pawel Szymanski requested to merge maszyman-prchecker-input into master

Following discussion in lhcb/Rec!1465 (merged), I created this MR to add the input file for the PrChecker test to TestFileDB.

@gligorov since you copied this file to lbhltperf01 machine [1,2], could you please check if this entry is fine (in particular comment and CondDB/DDDB - I took them from /scrach/lhcbpr2/BBARTESTSAMPLE.tags on lbhltperf01). Then I'll copy this file to /eos/lhcb/grid/prod/lhcb/swtest/lhcb/swtest/upgrade/BBARTESTSAMPLE_1.digi.

cc @cattanem @sponce @rquaglia

Edited by Maciej Pawel Szymanski

Merge request reports