B2OC: import of a new xml file for B2DHHH decays and name modifications
this MR is importing the .xml file data/Hlt2B2OC_B2D0KPiPi_BDTGParams_Run3.xml used in a new release of the b2oc_upgrade branch
the .xml file is used by a TMVA BDT algorithm to filter the b-hadron candidates produced by the B2OC B2D0KPiPi-like hlt2 lines
File name changed to be readable and consistency, now TMVA weight files from B2OC for run3 have name format like Hlt2B2OC_<decay>_BDTParams_Run3.xml
(trained by BDTG algorithm)
This MR is needed for lhcb/Moore!570 (merged)
Edited by Shunan Zhang