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Ghost probability with UT

Duanqing Liu requested to merge duanqing_ghost_run3 into master

This is the result trained using 100k events from BK: /MC/Dev/Beam6800GeV-expected-2024-MagDown-Nu7.6-25ns-Pythia8/Sim10c/30000000/DIGI.

Signal sample: MC_TRUEID is not 0 or 11
Background sample: MC_TRUEID is 0
We used sample exp_24_minbias_Sim10c_magdown from group to conduct cross-validation on Dst2D0pi and Lb2JpsiLambda in Bookkeeping. At the same time, we examined the impact of training results on the distribution of momentum in the samples.

Applied update/fixes from lhcb/Rec!3811 (merged). Used fixed flattening from lhcb/LHCb!4570 (merged)

Edited by Maarten Van Veghel

Merge request reports
