Added MC filtering options for prompt D*->D0pi, D0->pipipi0
Added MC filtering options for prompt D*->D0pi, D0->pipipi0 for 2015-18.
To-Do list:
Find out whether the lines: caloProtoReprocessLocs = [ "/Event/pRec/ProtoP#99", "/Event/pRec/Calo#99" ] SelDSTWriterConf['default'].extraItems += caloProtoReprocessLocs
are necessary in all years (here suggests only 2015+16, but maybe its not so important anyway)
Resolution: Only required for 15/16
Ensure trigger selection is correct: energy test analysis also use Hlt2Global_TIS
- should that be added?Resolution: Trigger line implements OR of previous HLT2 selection and Hlt2Global_TIS (and KKpi/Kpipi lines) - use this instead of pre-filter
Test new options files -
Calculate retention rates
Edited by Niall Thomas Mchugh