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Add missing cut to Bu2LLK_NoPID for DiElectrons

I want to report an issue regarding the filtering scripts for Bu2LLK_NoPID:

In the configuration of the DiElectronMaker a cut on the ElectronPtMin has been set[1], where it has to be a cut on DiElectronPtMin according to the default stripping[2]. The changed cut has an influence for example on the JPsi_PT distribution in our RKpipi analysis. I append a plot of this variable (in black Bu2LLK_NoPID, in red Bu2LLK with PID cuts removed by editing StdLoose{Pions,Kaons}). The used datasets are the outputs from processing the same DST file.

According to the accepted merge request @jheuel opened a month ago, I applied the change in the selection also to the FilterBu2LLK_B2XMuMu_NoPID-KS_Lambda_Kstplus-Stripping2*.py and FilterBu2LLK_NoPID_MCMatch_Bd2Kstee-*.py scripts.




Edited by Maik Becker

Merge request reports